No Monday morning work blues here in our quarantine! We are now on Day 9 so past midway. We’ve had a full on week of connectivity and feeling incredibly well supported and loved. Thank you all. We’ve certainly adjusted to the constraints of our situation and are making it work for us as best we can. We’ve finally had our two care packages ( finally came to fruition on Saturday) so now have my computer and luxury items such as muesli, plunger coffee, plates and even a jigsaw. Thank you Nicky and Stuart, and Doug and Helen.
We had a meeting of our Active Hope group on Saturday by zoom ( if we haven’t had this conversation before and you want to know more About Active Hope I have an explanatory blog I can send). As a group we’ve mostly been grappling with environmental concerns but turned our time instead to how we are adapting to the COVID crisis. And our hopes for how we might emerge into a different and better place post COVID. One of our members Joe has written a blog that explores this territory and that might be of Interest
From fear to learning to growth, shared by Carla Hickman
I’ve copied the model that Joe had reproduced in his blog. It might be useful in reflecting on your own process and that of those around you. It is imperfect, as all models are. However I like it because it also highlights the potential for us to come out of this differently, individually and collectively. Please make sure to acknowledge the source, Carla Hickman, if you distribute the model.
Wishing you a good week ahead in the run up to Easter.